


How is your sex life? Do you enjoy sex like you did five years ago or when you were younger (hello my 40+ years old audience). Considering that right now you have so many responsibilities. At work, with your family(if you have one), or even responsibilities for your personal development. Do you consider sex time as exercise time or is it just sex time? Does sex burn enough calories to be considered an exercise? How much intensity do you need to consider sex exercise? Let’s find out. It is important to note that sex itself does not necessarilly improve health. In addition non-consensual, painful, unpleasant sex can cause severe emotional distress, physical injury and other health issues. With that in…

Starting an exercise program after delivery has many benefits for the mom such as boosting energy and fighting postpartum depression. However, it’s important to be cautious when starting an exercise program. During pregnancy and after birth, the body goes through so many changes. Therefore, it is important to ease gently into any exercise program.   Vaginal Delivery For moms who have had a vaginal birth, getting back to exercise could be done almost immediately as long as you’ve had your postnatal check. Get a go ahead from your doctor then ease into any exercise routine so as to avoid too much strain on the abs and pelvic floor muscles.This way you can avoid injury and reduce the time for recovery.…

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