


Getting the correct balance in some hair products can be challenging. Skincare too! So when Ally’s introduced their range of products all hair, all body, all natural, every mama should consider. The naturally handmade soaps stand out with their unique designs from the beautiful molds used. Great for children too, we tried these products on dreadlocked hair and dry skin. This is what was realized. Shampoo, conditioner with treatment and hair oil This range of hair products smells exotic. Made with an addition of herb notes, you can pick that herby and floral scent, which will leave your hair with a memorable fragrance. Shampoo, Conditioner & Hair oil The shampoo lathers easily, on a scale of 10, it scores a…

Yes, mums tend to get so busy that they forget to even have or maintain good hair days. The following are some easy do-it-yourself hairstyles that you can look glam in and quickly do at the comfort of you homes so as to kick right back to their tight schedules. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzX5gR2FTDW/?igshid=pnai4ling435 Cornrows/Flat twists This hairstyle is not only timeless but also a good option if you’re looking to cut back on your hairstyling and maintenance period. When looking to promote hair growth and correct hair damage, cornrows should be your go-to style. They are so easy to do and anyone can really get creative with them. First, decide if you’ll do it with your hair alone or will add braids…

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