


Adapted from Southern Living Instead of the common tradition of cooking lamb meat, try spicing that Easter dinner with some yummy Ginger Ale-Can Chicken. For this recipe, two whole chickens are marinated in a mixture that includes liquid steak seasoning, rosemary, garlic, and pepper. The chickens then get oven-baked vertically over opened cans of ginger ale until they are perfectly roasted. The secret is that in the hot oven the ginger ale steams, keeping the chicken moist. This easy roasting method also allows fat to drip through and around the chickens, giving them a rich flavor and a beautiful golden(brown color). This will result in great taste on the table especially if served fresh and hot, it would certainly give…

There are many ways you can prepare a chicken dish. So much so that that variations have many spices, others none while others are stewed or dried chicken. Whichever your choice, this recipe is a good family treat and doesn’t make you any guilty for staking up more protein in your body. Try this chicken recipe and tell us how it goes. You can serve it with salad like we did or go extra by adding some potatoes. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbIX0ugL7D/?igshid=aqmqrht8mn2u Chicken wrapped in bacon

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