How is your sex life? Do you enjoy sex like you did five years ago or when you were younger (hello my 40+ years old audience). Considering that right now you have so many responsibilities. At work, with your family(if you have one), or even responsibilities for your personal development. Do you consider sex time as exercise time or is it just sex time? Does sex burn enough calories to be considered an exercise? How much intensity do you need to consider sex exercise? Let’s find out. It is important to note that sex itself does not necessarilly improve health. In addition non-consensual, painful, unpleasant sex can cause severe emotional distress, physical injury and other health issues. With that in…
Who said a good time has to involve sex? Yes sex is magical and euphoric but in itself, it’s not an end. You can still do plenty of activities without necessarily engaging in the steamy act. All you need to do is be a little creative by thinking outside the box. In 2020 most couples complained that they had no idea of what to do with their partners especially with the lockdown. Suddenly, they had so much time together but very little an idea of how to do it. For the first few weeks they were excited, sex was the only menu on the table. A few weeks into it, they got bored and couldn’t continue. To help you still…