On most occasions as a mother, you may neglect yourself in the quest to put everyone else first. Free time can be too hard to come by but when you do get a chance, don’t shy away from having a new hobby.The following are some hobbies you can take up on your free time as a mom. Do some writing When you begin writing, it doesn’t have to be professional writing like a book, you can just start journaling as a hobby. Writing your ideas on paper is very therapeutic and it does wonders as a stress reliever because you get to vent out not on people, but in writing. Seclude yourself in a quiet place and write down what…
Outward beauty is only as good if there is inward beauty. More people are gravitating towards inner beauty because of the impact it has on real lives. The quote ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’, is plainly based off looks and not the entirety of an individual’s livelihood. What you see with your eyes can be pleasing but inner beauty has long term effects.For this, we look at ways you can improve inner beauty for a healthier mind, body and soul. Better your failed relationships Our egocentric nature as human beings can sometimes make us lose our loved ones. We may be too quick to judge and are never forgiving. Keeping grudges does us as so much harm.…
It is normal to bleed after you have given birth. Normally, the uterus sheds the extra tissue and blood that supported the development of your baby to replace a new lining. It is called lochia. However, heavy bleeding might continue for more than a week, and when it happens is known as postpartum hemorrhage. Postpartum Hemorrhage in detail Postpartum hemorrhage refers to the more than usual bleeding after the birth of a baby. It happens within the first 12 weeks after delivery. The chances of a postpartum hemorrhage occurring after a cesarean birth are higher than natural birth. It occurs mostly after the placenta is delivered. What are the symptoms of postpartum Hemorrhage? Unusual large blood clots, the size of an…
CAN YOU REALLY HAVE A FIT PREGNANCY? Absolutely yes! It is possible to be pregnant and fit at the same time. This might come as a shocker for some of you so let me tell you what having a fit pregnancy would entail. In the absence of obstetric complications, it’s advisable to continue or start a workout routine. However, there are few things you need to keep in mind including the production of the hormone relaxin which will loosen up joints making it easier to injure yourself. So, don’t be so hard on yourself because your main goal is to stay fit and prepare for childbirth as well as the work that comes when the baby arrives. In this article…