With the current pandemic of Covid-19 sweeping the whole world to its knees, it’s evident that we are not living in the same times as we used to. Hence the changes that have happened across the worldwide education sector with virtual learning becoming a reality for all children. The interesting bit is that our children have to learn the ropes of using Zoom and other virtual education platforms, not in the classrooms, but from home. We get it, that means more work for you mama.

Unlike before where you’d drop off the kids to school, give a kiss, wave goodbye and drive off to your duties, now you have to coordinate having them at home. You’ve lately acquired the job you didn’t quite have or appreciate – being a full-time teacher. You have to determine when recess is, as well as ensure that they are not eating the snacks from the pantry or fridge inconsistently. While all this is surely giving you a burnout, we totally understand. That’s why we’ll load you up with some tips and tricks up your sleeves to help you through these tough homeschooling days.

Have a homeschooling schedule

By now, you’re a master of scheduling and having to put things around your home in order. The kids eat at a specific time, bathe at particular hour and nap in time too. Homeschooling is no different. Like the teachers, you’ll have to schedule in their subjects and know what follows what. Most school virtual classes are already planned, just as they would in the physical school setting. However, this may not be very applicable for younger children who will have a shorter concentration time span. If anything, you’ll realize that handling the younger ones and making them read out the alphabet loud may be tougher than you thought. That’s when we realize how much we miss our kids’ teachers.

Prepare their reading material in advance       

This is a critical part of the successful homeschooling regime mama. Prepare the printables that are necessary way before their next class to avoid doing a rush hour stunt just when the class is starting. It also helps the child familiarize with the material best before the class. Cross check their previous homework assignments too. Actually, consider yourself as a co-teacher. For the kids to actually hack this virtual learning, your presence is needed more than ever. As a tip, remember to check whether your internet connection is good. Otherwise, one missed class over such tech hitches disorients your whole timetable.

Have a specific area for homeschooling at home

We get it, the children want to watch Disney or Akili kids and may lose concentration along the class. Having a TV or other siblings distracting your homeschool goer will work against you big time. To help you handle this, simply create a small space with a good seat and reading table, more like you’d do to your home office. This area that is set aside (it should be far from the TV and other distractions) will be offering a more conducive environment for your kids to study and possibly increase their concentration span!

Give time for play

All work and no play will definitely make our kids dull boys and girls! Encourage your little ones to participate better in their online classes with the reward of having an intense and fun time playing. This works as great motivation for them and you’re bound to see how motivated they’ll get towards doing their classes. You can even create a medal board where you reward your child every week they finish their homeschooling sessions successfully.

Now that you’ve learnt the ropes of this new experience, we’re sure we’ll never look at teachers the same way again. From how they care for our kids and still ensure that their whole class is educated feels like a magic stunt. Be rest assured mama, that when all this is over, you’ll also have got a new badge of honor. Being an amazing homeschooling coordinator!

Rachel is a mum of two boys, blogger and a lover of writing all stuff inspirational. Anything to inspire women and mums and you'll find her there. Check out her family's YouTube channel too @presentfatherhood

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