Good vision is crucial for anyone’s performance. Be it in school, at work, on the road driving or even at home. However, we do not all have the privilege of perfect vision. Not being able to see the board clearly in school can affect your child’s performance, even esteem, while for you blurry vision on the road could result in accidents. That is where we come in!
Dynamic Optical Ltd
When you are struggling with which eyewear to go for, then as their name goes, Dynamic Optical LTD offers a dynamic variety to your fit. We sampled some of their key and best selling eyewear, hoping to give you a sneak peak of what they offer. Based in Arcade Discounts Mall along Ngong Road, Nairobi-Kenya, this family clinic not only sells frames and sunglasses, but also does eye checks. Filled with family friendly staff, this is the place you’ll want to shop for anything eyes, including more accessories in the area. Here are some of the top picks.
Clear unisex frame
This frame retailing at KES5,500 (~$55) is perfect for any gender. When you’re not afraid to have your eyes pop too through the frame, get these statement pieces. That way, we can still see your eyeshadow and lovely eyes.

Blue sunglasses
This pair of sunglasses with 100% UV protection against sunlight is a perfect addition to your vacay days or when the sun is shining outside and you can’t help but look classy too. Retailing at at KES 1000(~$10), it is a pretty pick for everyone who adores the color blue.

Cat eye sunglasses
This pair with an oversized look at KES1,500 (~$15) looks good on nearly everyone! The thing with these beauties is the way they compliment any look you may have. Pop them on as an addition to take your look from good to exceptional!
Handcrafted optical frame designs
These babies of Hook Ldn are top notch and retail at KES16,000 (~$160). Their price is in line with their quality which surpasses many others. With such frames, you may not see the need of investing in another pair, since they do go quite well with everything.

Designer frames
When you’re looking for more designer frames, you’ll get a wide range of them on visiting the Ngong’ road shop. Most of them range from as low KES 8,000(~$80) and make a great investment. With different designs and the keen staff helping to get you the best shape that matches your face shape, you’ll be comfortable to grab yourself one of these.

Kid’s Frames
The babies aren’t left behind in this family friendly clinic. Knowing that most eye related problems are hereditary, Dynamic Optical Ltd has a wide selection on their kids section. One of the top picks is this Kids rubber frames one that the kids love so much! With an incorporation of many colors, Dynamic Optical Ltd leaves even the children happy with their eyewear choice. Such retail for KES5,000(~$50) and worth every penny!

Other sunglasses
Who doesn’t like having more than a pair of sunglasses? Furthermore, they are such a classic addition to your everyday wear. Some of the pieces we loved and think you would too are these. Don’t hold back any further! Pamper yourself today.

Wondering how you’ll purchase all these? Dynamic Optical Ltd team have a wide range of payment options, from cash, M-PESA, VISA cards and insurance acceptance. With good discounts, you can pay a deposit of 50%, clearing within two weeks which is such a great addition to their financial flexibility to ensure you get your eyewear. They accept insurance by Sanlam, APA, Saham and Kenbright. There’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t try out Dynamic Optical Ltd for your eye care any day!