Are you angry, mad, and resentful to your spouse and kids? Do you feel physically, or mentally tired all the time? Maybe you are tired of the constant beck and call from your kids, or you find yourself yelling all the time. There’s a high possibility that you might be experiencing mum burn-out.

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Mum burn-out is not a permanent situation; you can bounce back to your old self and even prevent it.
The following are ways on how you can overcome burn-out.

The frustration that comes with mom burnout is real. Be aware of it.

Get Out of the House
When you are feeling overwhelmed with house chores and mom duties get out of the house and get some fresh air. Go for a walk, meet up with some friends or go to the park and try to relax your mind as you meditate.

Lower your Expectations
Even though it is your dream to become a super mom, learn to accept things the way they are. You cannot tick off every item on the to-do-list. You cannot also be the instant perfect mum or wife. Cancel items on your to-do list without any regrets and only deal with things that need to be done.

Being Intentional with your “No”
Sometimes you don’t want to be labeled as the “bad mum’ or the ‘bad parent’ by your kids. You might feel you are doing it right by saying ‘yes’ to whatever your kid(s) ask, but in a real sense you are taking toll on yourself. Be intentional with your ‘no’ to things that are not your or their priority.

Take a Mum Day off
Schedule a day of the week where you will focus on your emotional and physical well-being. A little self-care goes a long well to renew your energy. Get a friend or a nanny to watch over the kids and take yourself for a spa date, shopping, or go on a date with your partner.

Have a Support Group
A support system of friends, family, and other mums can be a therapy session. Mummy groups assist mums to learn from each other and make you a better person. You can ask your family or friends to look after the baby for a while to have your 5-minute mommy break.

The caring and nurturing of an infant is an uphill task and infrequently can cause burnout. Thus, you will need to have a self-care mechanism that will enable you to overcome burn-out. Listen to some resources like our Millennial motherhood podcast. This episode featuring Cassie Mather-Reid was about Overcoming Overwhelm.

Rachel is a mum of two boys, blogger and a lover of writing all stuff inspirational. Anything to inspire women and mums and you'll find her there. Check out her family's YouTube channel too @presentfatherhood

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